Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New Design Will...

I just created a new blog post on "My Life After Copenhagen" about things turning around specifically the fact that I have 3 potential clients to design spaces for and a new job that begins next week.  While these endeavors are extremely exciting, I am super nervous.  I honestly don't know where to start with these 'clients'.  Right now, it's kind of exciting just to say that word :)  Right after I clicked publish post on the other blog, I got a phone call from yet another potential client in Queens who wants to design their newly finished basement and I'm meeting with them next weekend.  This seems so surreal.  Although I went to school for interior architecture and I prefer the architectural side of things, interior design and decorating could open doors for me... who knows.  My new design life is sure to be super busy if these jobs work out.  Not only will I be working full time, but I will have 3 families looking for my assistance.  Why is it that everything happens at once?  Wish me luck!